IP Academy
About the IP Academy
Born out of the expressed desire of indigenouc communities to further strengthen their capacities on various areas of concerns, the Indigenous Peoples’ Academy (IP Academy) was established in 2020. Guided through close consultations with partner indigenous communities, the IP Academy’s capacity development interventions are designed to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to unfold their full potential and to respond to the threats and challenges their communities face.
Work Areas
Learning Materials Development
The IP Academy develops printed materials (e.g. handouts, books) and audio-visual materials (e.g. lecture videos) as training course resources. The printed training course materials are made available in English and Filipino, with some even translated to Cebuano. Meanwhile, the audio-visual materials are recorded in Taglish language.
Training and Mentoring
The IP Academy holds its training and mentoring sessions online and on-site. With the prevailing travel and health restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, most, if not all, of IP Academy’s sessions are conducted online.
Constituency-building and Networking
The IP Academy also serves as platform for solidarity among indigenous leaders to address the affectation of their respective ICCs to state conservation policies, rights violation, and unjust trade practices and to push for inclusive conservation, recognition of indigenous peoples rights and human rights, and fair trade agenda in various spheres of policy advocacy. Through the IP Academy activities, indigenous communities also have the opportunity to network and partner with other indigenous communities, support groups, and even government agencies.
Training Courses

Inclusive Conservation
The Indigenous Peoples’ Inclusive Conservation Academy focuses on the empowerment of ICCs/IPs affected by Protected Areas within ancestral domains to fully and effectively participate in the implementation of the ENIPAS. Through its courses, it aims to build indigenous leaders’ confidence in pushing for their constituent ICCs’ agenda in the PAMB and in other relevant governance bodies and enhance their knowledge and skills in policy analysis, parliamentary procedures, constructive engagement, and legal and policy frameworks on IP and conservation, among others.

The Indigenous Peoples’ Self-Determination Academy focuses on capacity development interventions to support the exercise of traditional governance by leaders of indigenous communities and facilitate consensus-building processes to anchor project implementation processes on community decision-making. Through its courses, it aims to strengthen the capacities of indigenous leaders to manage and resolve conflicts through modules and online sessions on human rights, indigenous peoples rights, conflict analysis, principled negotiation, and advocacy.

The Indigenous Peoples’ Business Academy focuses on the enhancement of indigenous business leaders’ capacities on their livelihoods in the New Normal with focus on knowledge and skills needs that IP business leaders have identified themselves. Guided by the principle that IPs have the resources and capacities and these just need to be harnessed so as part of their journey towards green recovery, the Business Academy aims to (re)build the confidence of IP Business leaders’ in pushing for and presenting their self-determined livelihood agenda and strengthening their capacities on business and trade.

Mr. Giovanni Reyes
Kankana-ey (Sagada, Mt Province)
President, Philippine ICCA Consortium
Honorary Member, Global ICCA Consortium
Member, Global Environment Facility – Indigenous Peoples’ Advisory Board

Mr. Dave de Vera
Executive Director, Philippine Association for Inter-cultural Development (PAFID)
Council of Elder, Global ICCA Consortium

Mr. Teddy Baguilat Jr.
Ifugao (Kiangan, Ifugao)
President, Global ICCA Consortium
Founder, Cordillera Landing on You

Fr. Francis Lucas
President, CEO,
Catholic Media Network Corp.
Chair, PAFID
The Philippine ICCA Consortium serves as the Secretariat of the IP Academy and oversees all of its activities. Given the travel and health restrictions due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, the IP Academy holds its training and mentoring sessions online.
Training Materials & Resources
For those interested in accessing IP Academy’s training materials and resources, kindly